Hair Transplant Patient Reviews

94 patients have created their own personal hair transplant journals. Search hair restoration journals by name, degree of baldness or by recommended physician.

Bald class 2 Search by degree of baldness View by Recommended Surgeon
Bald class: 3

If you're reading this. My story is pretty much the same as your.

H Rahal, MD Procedure 1 reviewed by TeamRahal
Dr. H Rahal, MD
Bald class: 3V

I have been slowly losing hair in both the crown and front part of my head for about 10 years…

H Rahal, MD Procedure 1 reviewed by jbny
Dr. H Rahal, MD
Bald class: 3V

I turned up at Shapiro Medical Group on 8th July and was greeted at the desk by a friendly…

Dr. Ron Shapiro Procedure 1 reviewed by Bertie
Dr. Dr. Ron Shapiro
Bald class: 3V

I turned up at Shapiro Medical Group on 8th July and was greeted at the desk by a friendly…

Dr. Ron Shapiro Procedure 2 reviewed by Bertie
Dr. Dr. Ron Shapiro
Bald class: 2

I have a family history of receding hairline. Every since my late 20s, my hairline has been…

Damkerng Pathomvanich, MD Procedure 1 reviewed by getridofme
Dr. Damkerng Pathomvanich, MD
Bald class: 3

Like many of the fellas in hair transplant land, I started losing my luscious locs at about 19…

H Rahal, MD Procedure 1 reviewed by mr_predictable
Dr. H Rahal, MD
Bald class: 3V

Been fixated that I'm losing hair like many men, since my teenage. Well, today I can say I…

Bijan Feriduni, MD Procedure 2 reviewed by bold-ronin
Dr. Bijan Feriduni, MD
Bald class: 3

My hairline started thinning around age 25. I got on fin around 29, so I feel like I caught it…

Dr. Vladimir Panine Procedure 1 reviewed by efflux
Dr. Dr. Vladimir Panine
Bald class: 3V

Hey guys, First things first, first of all thanks to the site which is allowing me to…

Damkerng Pathomvanich, MD Procedure 1 reviewed by cherry
Dr. Damkerng Pathomvanich, MD
Bald class: 3

Victor Hasson MD Procedure 1 reviewed by DV8
Dr. Victor Hasson MD
Bald class: 4

I started loosing my hair when I was 21 or so, and it happened quickly. On a whim, I happened…

Jerry Wong, MD Procedure 1 reviewed by Airbumps
Dr. Jerry Wong, MD
Bald class: 6

Now in my 50s, I began losing my hair in my 20's and have progressed to a NW 6-7 . I have worn…

Steven Gabel, M.D. Procedure 1 reviewed by Biz
Dr. Steven Gabel, M.D.