Hair loss treatments have made great advances.
We know because many of us involved with this online community have used legitimate hair loss remedies or hair restoration physicians to restore our own real hair. Now we’re here and online to help you…
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Currently there are only two hair loss drugs that are proven to have any real degree of effectiveness. These two hair loss drugs, Propecia and Rogaine, are also the only two drugs that are approved by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) for the…
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If you are going bald you may consider using Propecia to halt or even reverse your hair loss. While there is no “Hair Loss Cure”, Propecia (generic name finasteride) can often stop or even reverse alopecia in most men
Important – Women who may…
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What is Rogaine?
Along with Propecia, Rogaine is one of only two drugs approved by the FDA for treating hair loss.
Minoxidil, (Rogaine’s active ingredient), was originally created as a drug for treating hypertension (high blood pressure). It was…
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The Hair Transplant Network community can help you find the perfect type hair replacement system
Hair replacement systems have many names; to some they’re known as hairpieces, toupees or wigs. Over the past decade there have been many improvements…
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Snake Oils or Legitimate?
There is still no complete “cure” for baldness. But topical hair loss treatments such as special shampoos and various scalp treatments can compliment proven treatments such as Propecia, Rogaine or surgical hair…
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Disguising thinning areas and adding fullness.
There are a variety of “cover-up” products that are applied to the scalp and/or hair in the thinning areas to mask a person’s baldness. The cover ups also increase the look of fullness of thinning…
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On a daily basis we are bombarded with ads for hair loss treatments that use misleading advertising to sell their products. These campaigns persuasive thousands of hair loss sufferers to spend nearly one billion dollars each year on ineffective hair…
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