Hair loss treatments have made great advances.
We know because many of us involved with this online community have used legitimate hair loss remedies or hair restoration physicians to restore our own real hair. Now we’re here and online to help you navigate the maze of options to find a hair loss treatment that works for you.
Today FDA approved drugs like Propecia and Rogaine can slow or even stop hair loss, while hair transplants can restore hair that was lost. Hair transplants, when done right, are so natural that even a hair stylist can’t tell.
Many people have successfully used hair transplant surgery to restore the hair they lost, while using Propecia and or Rogaine to halt further hair loss.
Neither Propecia nor Rogaine have been proven to restore hair in the frontal areas. Only hair restoration surgery has been successful in restoring hair in the frontal hairline area once it has been lost.
Learn more about hair restoration surgery.
Get advice from hair restoration patients and their physicians.
Our popular hair restoration discussion forum hosts thousands of posts by people who have successfully treated their hair loss. Many of them still visit our hair loss forum to share advice and offer support. It’s all about sharing credible information and acting on it.
You can also view Hair Loss Weblogs created by actual hair restoration patients. These blogs contain photos and journal entries documenting the person's hair restoration. Often you can correspond with these blog authors by email.
If you have a hair loss question please post it on our Hair Loss Q & A Blog. This blog can also be searched for dozens of answers on many hair restoration topics.
The hair restoration physicians recommended on this site take a holistic approach to treating hair loss and combine drug therapy with hair restoration surgery. Many of these physicians will provide a prescription for Propecia during your consultation with them.
Find a prescreened hair restoration physician in your area to help you evaluate all your hair loss treatment options.
Verify hair loss treatment claims and get advice.
We encourage you to take your time and explore all your options before committing to any hair loss treatment. Visit our popular discussion forum and compare notes with other hair loss sufferers about what does or does not work.
Our hair loss forum has over 50,000 searchable postings by other hair loss sufferers. If you post your question or concern, typically several people will reply with helpful advice and suggestions.
What about lotions, potions and other hair loss remedies?
Currently Propecia and Rogaine are the only hair loss drugs approved by the FDA. Simply put, many of the other “treatments” or “cures” that are marketed on the Internet have little or no value and are complete waste of money.
Some shampoos may enhance the appearance of fuller hair. But the hair loss products that claim to “cure” hair loss are not legitimate. Learn more about hair loss scams
To research non surgical hair loss treatments more in depth visit the Hair Loss Learning

What about covering up my hair loss?
Hair replacements or hair systems have become more refined in recent years. For those with extensive hair loss who want immediate and full looking hair they are a viable option.
Learn more about hair replacement systems.For those who want to increase their hair’s appearance of fullness, cover up products can work well. They do a surprisingly effective job of giving a person the appearance of having a much fuller head of hair. Learn more about these cover up products.
Get Expert Medical Advice.
To get expert medical advice and review all your treatment options, consider doing a free consultation with a quality prescreened physician.
To learn about them or to arrange a free consultation, click here.
What hair loss remedy is best?
Each hair loss remedy has its advantages and disadvantages. Ultimately the best hair loss treatment is the one that works best for you.
We encourage you to seek sound advice from patients and qualified physicians to help you evaluate all your treatment options.
The prescreened physicians recommended on this site offer free consultations. To find a hair restorationphysician in your area.