Dr. Kongkiat Laorwong, MD, FISHRS,  FUE 3400 grafts, 8 months post op

Dr. Kongkiat Laorwong, MD, FISHRS, FUE 3400 grafts, 8 months post op

06/30/2023 - 19:18

Thai male patient, we did 3400 grafts from hairline to crown area. The result was 8 months following the procedure.

PANINE, MD | Chicago Hair Transplant Clinic | FUE Hair Transplant Results with 2,603 Grafts | 7 Months Post-Op

PANINE, MD | Chicago Hair Transplant Clinic | FUE Hair Transplant Results with 2,603 Grafts | 7 Months Post-Op

06/30/2023 - 15:12

This 30-year-old had a hair loss pattern similar to a class 5v on the Hamilton Norwood hair loss scale. His goal was…

Dr B Farjo 2021g FUE at 7 months post procedure.

Dr B Farjo 2021g FUE at 7 months post procedure.

06/30/2023 - 11:17

This patient visited for an early check up following a procedure to improve the front and top area. He is happy with…

Dr. Damkerng Pathomvanich (DHT Clinic) / FUE 2,278 grafts, 8 months post op

Dr. Damkerng Pathomvanich (DHT Clinic) / FUE 2,278 grafts, 8 months post op

06/29/2023 - 11:27

42-year old white male with receding hair at front-temporal zone and wants it restored. Hair is straight, coarse, and…

Repair case performed by Dr. Feriduni – 708 FU in 1 procedure

Repair case performed by Dr. Feriduni – 708 FU in 1 procedure

06/26/2023 - 12:48

FUE performed on a 38-year old patient with • NW III Vertex, Class T • FUT ex domo in 2016 • Donor density of 80 FU/…

Dr Resul Yaman Hair Clinic - 4330 Grafts Result

Dr Resul Yaman Hair Clinic - 4330 Grafts Result

06/23/2023 - 12:50

Total : 4330 Single : 820 Double : 1210 Triple : 1240 The result after 6 months. For more information about our…

Dr. Munib Ahmad - 2060g - From Failed Hair Transplant To Shah Rukh Khan - Straight Brown Hair - FueGenix - The Netherlands

Dr. Munib Ahmad - 2060g - From Failed Hair Transplant To Shah Rukh Khan - Straight Brown Hair - FueGenix - The Netherlands

06/22/2023 - 18:12

"From Failed Hair Transplant To Shah Rukh Khan" This patient underwent a hair transplant at a well-known clinic. The…

Bogota Hairlines - 2600 Grafts Dr Paola Pareja

Bogota Hairlines - 2600 Grafts Dr Paola Pareja

06/21/2023 - 15:35

Hello from Bogota Colombia! Below are 12 months hair transplant results of our 29 Years old patient from Alabama, USA…

FUE Result 3 Years after for 3520 grafts – NW Class 4 – HDC Hair Clinic – Dr Maras

FUE Result 3 Years after for 3520 grafts – NW Class 4 – HDC Hair Clinic – Dr Maras

06/21/2023 - 05:05

This is a NW Class 4 patient and a potential Class 5. You can see his NW scale in the before photos. He had some hair…

Dr. Turan - FUECAPILAR Clinic, NW Va-VI, 2 surgeries approach, 6.196 grafts overall

Dr. Turan - FUECAPILAR Clinic, NW Va-VI, 2 surgeries approach, 6.196 grafts overall

06/16/2023 - 19:09

Hi Everyone, we would like to present below a case of a patient with a Norwood Va stage. You can find below the…



06/15/2023 - 15:43

NW4A Total Grafts: 2700 Scalp: 2700 Varun Kumar discovered Eugenix Hair Sciences after conducting some research,…

Dr. Munib Ahmad - From Young Bruce Willis to Bruce Wayne - 2540g - Dark Brown Hairline - FueGenix - The Netherlands

Dr. Munib Ahmad - From Young Bruce Willis to Bruce Wayne - 2540g - Dark Brown Hairline - FueGenix - The Netherlands

06/08/2023 - 10:18

From Young Bruce Willis to Bruce Wayne Young patient, needed a conservative hairline approach to get his life back on…