✓ 56 years old, with a hair loss history in his family (father lost his hair on the vertex).
✓ Had already undergone two FUT surgeries in other clinics.
✓ No medications.
✓ Thin caliber hair.
✓ Normal follicular units.
✓ High % of hair in telogen phase.
This 56-year-old gentleman had already undergone two FUT surgeries elsewhere when he came to see us in consultation. He was bothered by the loss on his vertex area.
During the consultation we agreed upon performing a FUE procedure, +/- 1500-2000 grafts, in order to cover this area with a good density. Given the fairly limited amount of grafts needed, we did not need to shave the whole of his donor area but only a small strip, from where we harvested the FUE grafts – since the patient wears his hair quite long, this area was barely visible after the procedure. The implantation was performed without shaving the recipient area.
The patient eventually received 1810 FUE scalp grafts, in just one surgery day. The surgery was performed by Dr. Barbara Montesanti, Dr. Samuël Jenard, and me.
Dr Montesanti ( and Dr. Jenard ( are high skilled MDs specialized in micro-vascular surgeries who have been trained by me and who work alongside me since more than one year and a half now. Every technical, medical task during each procedure is performed by a MD (anaesthesia, extractions, and incisions). The extractions and incisions processes are closely monitored via a sophisticated quality control system connected to my WAW System.
The patient recently submitted some photos six months after the procedure, showing already a remarkable improvement compared to before the surgery. We expect the results to further improve during the next six months – especially regarding the hair density.
✓ 1810 grafts
✓ Technique : FUE
✓ Donor area : Scalp
✓ FUE scoring and extractions executed with my WAW system, now widely used in the sphere of FUE. It consists of a very precise pedal that enables to control the movement of the punch, that I also designed myself. The main advantage is to reduce substantially the number of damaged and transected hair, thus to raise the quality of the procedure. The system is now used worldwide and several dozens of surgeons or centres are already using it.
✓ Grafts Breakdown : ☞ 348 Single FUE grafts ☞ 796 Double FUE grafts ☞ 546 Triple FUE grafts ☞ 120 Quadruple FUE grafts
✓ Total number of Hair : 4058
✓ Average Hair/Graft : 2,24
Dr. Jean Devroye – Dr. Barbara Montesanti – Dr. Samuël Jenard