Day 91
Bald class: 2A
Procedure 1

Dr. H Rahal, MD

Day 91

Top Day 63 to 84
Bald class: 2A
Procedure 1

Dr. H Rahal, MD

Top Day 63 to 84

Day 84
Bald class: 2A
Procedure 1

Dr. H Rahal, MD

Day 84

10 Months Post Op
Bald class: 5A
Procedure 1

Dr. Dr. Christian Bisanga

10 Months Post Op Can't believe it's been 10 months! It seems like yesterday, yet I look somewhat different! In a few months time I'll be heading for the chair once again to cover the rest of my midscalp and crown. Can't wait! My scar is very thin on the left side,…

14 Months Post Op
Bald class: 4
Procedure 1

Dr. Jerry Wong, MD

14 Months Post Op Wel, its now 14 months since the procedure. What a difference a year and a bit makes. It seems so long ago I was on the plane to Vancouver for the procedure, shitting myself about what may happen. Looking back now, its been a great ride and I don't…

Day 77
Bald class: 2A
Procedure 1

Dr. H Rahal, MD

Day 77

Month 16
Bald class: 5A
Procedure 1

Dr. Dr. Bessam Farjo

Month 16

Month 13
Bald class: 5A
Procedure 1

Dr. Dr. Bessam Farjo

Month 13

Month 7
Bald class: 5A
Procedure 1

Dr. Dr. Bessam Farjo

Month 7

Month 5
Bald class: 5A
Procedure 1

Dr. Dr. Bessam Farjo

Month 5

Month 4
Bald class: 5A
Procedure 1

Dr. Dr. Bessam Farjo

Month 4

Month 3
Bald class: 5A
Procedure 1

Dr. Dr. Bessam Farjo

Month 3