3 Month update
Bald class: 5A
Procedure 2

Dr. Dr. Bessam Farjo

3 Month update Having experienced shock loss on both the donor and recipient areas, I believe things have started coming along. Still long way to go, so fingers crossed.

After 8 months
Bald class: 3
Procedure 1

Dr. Bijan Feriduni, MD

After 8 months Im so happy about the results.Already 8 months have passed and friends are cheering me up for my new look!  Just have a look at the pictures and see how impressive the results are. Dr. Feriduni did an amazing job.  

3 Month
Bald class: 3V
Procedure 1

Dr. Raymond Konior, MD.

3 Month So finally I have hit the month 3 mark and I can say I am finally seeing some growth on my hairline and my new hairline is almost visible to me now . I can say now I look like someone with hairloss rather than a bald person. I still look like how I…

Top Day 147 to 168
Bald class: 2A
Procedure 1

Dr. H Rahal, MD

Top Day 147 to 168

Top Day 119 to 140
Bald class: 2A
Procedure 1

Dr. H Rahal, MD

Top Day 119 to 140 <p><br /></p>

Day 182
Bald class: 2A
Procedure 1

Dr. H Rahal, MD

Day 182

Day 175 On vacation
Bald class: 2A
Procedure 1

Dr. H Rahal, MD

Day 175 On vacation

Day of Surgery 7 31 14
Bald class: 2
Procedure 1

Dr. Parsa Mohebi, M.D

Day of Surgery 7 31 14 Okay.... This is gonna sound weird. Really weird. But the other day I was in Dr. Mohebi's office for a followup, and I got a bit nostalgic for the day I had my surgery. It all went so smoothly and was such a positive experience from start to finish…

Second transplantMonth 1
Bald class: 5A
Procedure 2

Dr. Dr. Bessam Farjo

Second transplantMonth 1 Having had a successful HT (3800-FUT) 2 years ago, I decided to enhance the results of the first attempt. I had an extra 3000 follicles and this time, we addressed the sides/temples adding more density on the right hand side of my head and at the…

Post Op 10 Days Procedure no 2
Bald class: 5A
Procedure 2

Dr. Dr. Christian Bisanga

Post Op 10 Days Procedure no 2 Time for procedure number 2.  2084 FUE. Not as dense as the front obviously but should make a nice difference.

Bald class: 3
Procedure 1

Dr. Dr. Vladimir Panine

15 Months A success!!! I think Dr. Panine's work speaks for itself. I could not be happier with the result. All the density that I wanted to acheive, is there and more.  I didn't even bother taking a picture of the scar line because it's not even noticable at a #2/#3…

Initial Consultation with Dr. Parsa Mohebi
Bald class: 2
Procedure 1

Dr. Parsa Mohebi, M.D

Initial Consultation with Dr. Parsa Mohebi I first met with Dr. Mohebi at his Beverly Hills office to discuss the potential hair transplant and get a lesson in what it all meant. I knew next to nothing about the entire procedure - I didn't even know hair transplants were a thing until about…