Dr. Damkerng Pathomvanich, MD
4 Months Slight improvement from month 3 to 4. Still looks thin but I know its early. I can't wait for month 6-7 when I can start styling my hair however I want. Trying my best not to be impatient. Atleast the redness is all gone.
Dr. H Rahal, MD
Day 21 Hi Everyone, I've made it to day 21. Honestly not a lot has changed over the last 7 days, however, I felt it was still worth noting my progress. The recipient area is still quite pink and discolored but is pretty much back to normal in terms of…
Dr. Damkerng Pathomvanich, MD
1 year post 2nd surgery It's been a while since I last updated my pics. I like how Pathomvanich did it. If you have enough money I would recomment Rahal, Victor Hassan or Pathomvanich. Don't go to not so famous doctors. Do enough research and look at their work. Most…
Dr. Victor Hasson MD
6 Months Another big month. My big goal at the beginning of this month was to ditch the hat and feel comfortable going almost anywhere without it. This has pretty much been the case. I have been quite pleasantly surprised that almost nobody seems to…
Dr. H Rahal, MD
Day 14 Hi Everyone, It was day 14 yesterday and I had my stitches removed as well as had my first real shower in over two weeks. All in all things are looking as good as they can for this stage. I've transitioned from looking like Larry from the three…
Dr. Damkerng Pathomvanich, MD
2 Months Feels good getting 2 months in the bank. The hairs are growing through the scar and making it hard to notice anything has been done.. Although the pinkness is still there.. I've noticed a few little hairs coming through but it's too early yet…
Dr. H Rahal, MD
Day 7 Wow, it has been one week since my procedure and I’m excited to share my updates. The swelling in my face is gone, finally! Really happy about that because my hair transplant is all but undetectable at this point if I wear a hat. Looking back I’m…
Dr. H Rahal, MD
Pre Op Photos I thought I would take a moment to share my pre-op photos taken by the team at the Rahal Hair Transplant Institute. They are much more telling and better quality than my bathroom cell phone shots. It’s amazing to look at these photos now that I am 4…
Dr. H Rahal, MD
Playing A Dangerous Game But a Fun One I honestly couldn't help myself! What do you get when you mix a graphic designer, a hair transplant and a bunch of free time. Well you get a mockup of your future hair transplant results of course. Thanks to Photoshop and a few pictures from today's…
Dr. H Rahal, MD
Day 4 I'm officially four days in and I have to admit it feels like an eternity! My head has officially doubled in size; my eyes are puffy and my recipient and donor area are extremely itchy. With that being said I'm really excited about things to come…
Dr. H Rahal, MD
Day 3 Hi everyone, It has been a long couple of days. After receiving my transplant on July 2, 2013, I have basically locked myself up in my hotel room waiting for the swelling to subside. Let me share what I've experienced thus far. To shave or not…
Dr. H Rahal, MD
Surgery Date So, just finished my transplant proceedure with the great people at the Rahal Hair Transplant Institute. All in all the surgery was very much what I had expected in some ways and completely different in others. I ultimately received 3,400 graphs.…