3rd HT by Dr Gaurang Krishna
Bald class: 6
Procedure 1

Dr. Damkerng Pathomvanich, MD

3rd HT by Dr Gaurang Krishna I had an FUE DHT on Jan 3rd, 2024 at Medlinks. Delhi. Dr. Gaurang Krishna was involved in designing, making slits, some extraction during the procedure. Rest(extraction and implantation) was done by his team.

5 years later
Bald class: 6
Procedure 1

Dr. Damkerng Pathomvanich, MD

5 years later  it's been 5 years. I am happy that i went to Dr Pathomvanich. My hair line is receding further and i might go for an advanced procedure later in my live but for now look at my latest pics.

6 Months, 3 weeks
Bald class: 2A
Procedure 2

Dr. Raymond Konior, MD.

6 Months, 3 weeks Hi All,Here are my results from procedure #2 at just under 7 months. Overall very pleased, the results on the right side are more noticeable than the left because I told the doc to focus on that side (I had thinner hair there). As far as the scar…

3.5 Months
Bald class: 2A
Procedure 2

Dr. Raymond Konior, MD.

3.5 Months Here is 14 weeks, I slacked a little sorry for being late. Everything still seems to be coming in as expected. You will see some hairs going in strange directions and some wispy hairs poking through my slicked back hair, these are the grafts. From…

2 Months
Bald class: 2A
Procedure 2

Dr. Raymond Konior, MD.

2 Months Here is two months. This is kinda the stage where most hairs have fallen out or are very thin, before they recycle and get thicker (so I believe and recall from last time). So the pics aren't super exciting, but should be a good baseline for what…

7 days after my first day in public
Bald class: 3V
Procedure 2

Dr. Bijan Feriduni, MD

7 days after my first day in public Today was my first day of work just a week after surgery. Thanks to my better half's super hairstyling skills, I managed a full day unnoticed with no comment whatsoever. I was a bit edgy because I am usually groomed and gelled up and today I had to…

The day after
Bald class: 3V
Procedure 2

Dr. Bijan Feriduni, MD

The day after Well, my night was pretty ok. No pain. Just that I was a bit conscious I needed to sleep facing up and a bit inclined. Doc was super nice as were all his team. the surgery was smooth and I slept most of the time. The rest I watched TV. Pretty…

Consultation experience
Bald class: 3V
Procedure 2

Dr. Bijan Feriduni, MD

Consultation experience When I did my FUT I had no opportunity of a consultation. With Dr Feriduni, it seems it's a must. All I can say is that it is a good investment. I went with my better half and we were greeted vey cordially. I was given some paperwork which seemed…

1 Month, 25 days scar
Bald class: 2A
Procedure 2

Dr. Raymond Konior, MD.

1 Month, 25 days scar Here are the 1 month pics. Still some pinkness, I think a lot of the grafts have fallen out and there are little saplings starting to grow, although I can tell that some original "little engine that could" grafts are still growing... go little…

Day 16, day 11 scar
Bald class: 2A
Procedure 2

Dr. Raymond Konior, MD.

Day 16, day 11 scar Here's about two weeks out. Still some pink in the recip. area in the front. The scar is even more pink because I'm only 11 days out. Beard hairs are growing in like 5x faster than the rest, I dont even know where he put in the ones on the right…

Day 12, day 7 scar revisions
Bald class: 2A
Procedure 2

Dr. Raymond Konior, MD.

Day 12, day 7 scar revisions I went in today for my last checkup, all is well. They put some hydrocortisone cream on the scar revision to help with the itchyness (I have had a LOT) and reduce the redness too. I'll take some more tonight probably after I wash it off. Anyway,…

Day 7, day 2 scar revisions
Bald class: 2A
Procedure 2

Dr. Raymond Konior, MD.

Day 7, day 2 scar revisions Not too much to say here, just keeping everything clean and lubed. Looking forward to shampooing the front gently tomorrow although I still cant do much to the back because I'm only on day 2 there.