Dr. Patrick Mwamba | Hair transplant before and afters

Before and after hair transplantation surgery

Male - 1 sessions

Bald class: 6

Hair transplant procedure before and after result images with 2800 FUE and 260 BHT grafts

Before and after hair transplant procedure images

Male - 1 sessions

Bald class: 2

Hair restoration surgery before and after result images with 1017 grafts

  before and after images

Male - 1 sessions

Bald class: 2

Hair restoration surgery before and after result images with 2800 grafts

Before and after hair transplant procedure images

Male - 1 sessions

Bald class: 2

Hair restoration surgery before and after result images with 2800 grafts

Hair restoration procedure before and after results

Male - 1 sessions

Bald class: 4

Hair transplant surgery before and after result pictures with 3600 grafts

Beard transplant surgery before and after images

Male - 1 sessions

Bald class:

Beard transplant surgery before and after result pictures with 700 FUE grafts

Hair restoration procedure before and after results

Male - 1 sessions

Bald class: 2

Hair transplant surgery before and after result images with 1972 grafts

Hair restoration procedure before and after results

Male - 1 sessions

Bald class: 5

Hair restoration surgery before and after result photographs with 2167 grafts

Before and after hair transplantation result photographs

Male - 1 sessions

Bald class: 2A

Hair restoration surgery before and after photographs with 805 grafts

Hair restoration procedure before and after results

Male - 1 sessions

Bald class: 2

Hair transplant surgery before and after photograph results with 1560 grafts

 before and after photos

Female - 1 sessions

Bald class:

Female hair restoration repair surgery before and after images with 1500 grafts

Hair restoration procedure before and after results

Male - 1 sessions

Bald class: 2

Hair transplantation surgery before and after result images with 1690 grafts