Procedure detail
Females make up a far lower percentage of patients than their male counterparts due to several factors. These typically include DPA (diffused patterned alopecia) which can affect the donor zone. Very tight scalp thereby limiting the amount of hair that can be taken and the thread of ongoing loss since most women cannot take finasteride thus they are limited to minoxidil.
This patient did not have the traditional limitations that most women have that are experiencing hair loss. She had a defined pattern similar to that of a NW6 with plenty of donor density and sufficient laxity. She came to see Dr. Hasson about restoring as much of her hair as possible so Dr. Hasson and team moved 4516 grafts in a single procedure. The photos and HD video are showing the results at 11 months post-op.
Singles - 1674
Doubles - 2475
3/4 - 367
Total - 4516
Bald class

Female hair loss stage III
Around 40% of women by age 50 show signs of hair loss and less than 45% of women reach the age of 80 with a full head of hair.