Result of Class 3V Patient – 3530 Grafts – HDC Hair clinic – Dr Maras
01/09/2025 - 07:13This 38-year-old patient sought to enhance his hairline and address a small balding area on his crown. Recently, we…
This 38-year-old patient sought to enhance his hairline and address a small balding area on his crown. Recently, we…
This patient has a naturally low hairline with some hair in the front. He experienced thinning at the temples and…
This 30-year-old patient experienced consistent hair loss over the past three years. To address this, we decided to…
This is a 46-year-old patient with a NW class 6. He had an average to low donor density with a light brown colour of…
This is a 31-year-old NW Class 5 patient who wanted to cover all his baldness. Dr Christina and the HDC Medical Team…
This is a class 6 patient who wanted to cover all his baldness. This was achievable as he had an average to good donor…
This is a class 6 patient who wanted to cover all his baldness. This was achievable as he had an average to good donor…
We very often get cases like this one. Small hair loss in the hairline and a thin crown. So, this is the perfect…
This is a 29-year-old patient with thinning hair in the front and relatively thin donor especially on the sides. We had…
This is a 39 Year Old patient who had 3170 FUE Grafts with HDC Hair Clinic and Dr Christina being the responsible…
This is a 38-year-old patient of NW class 4-5. He wanted to cover his whole boldness with about 6000 grafts. This would…
This is a young patient 25 years old. He has thinning up To NW Scale 5. HDC Medical Team with leading physician being…