Hair transplantation before and after images with 3817 hairs and Finasteride

Procedure detail

This hair restoration patient is in his early 30's and had Norwood 2A pattern MPB. The clinical presentation did not suggest extensive hairloss in the future (although that's never for certain) so I felt comfortable with a more agressive design than I would usually do. We prescribed Finasteride and transplanted a total of   1,819 grafts (1-425, 2-790, 3-604, total hairs= 3,817). When I saw him at nine months postoperative, I barely recognized him. Between the new hairline and hairstyle, his boyish face, and getting rid of the beard, he looked like a different person.

Bald class

Bald class 2A

Norwood class 2A.

The class A variation of the Norwood scale is a slightly different and less common progression of hair loss. The main differences are that the hairline recedes back uniformly, without leaving an island of hair in the middle, and there is no bald area at the vertex. Instead, the hairline progresses directly from front to back.

Front view - Before and after

1819 grafts viewed from the front, showing before and after photographs.

Hair transplantation surgery before and after photos

using 1819 grafts displayed from the left, viewing before and after photos.

Hair restoration procedure before and after results

Hair transplantation surgery with 1819 grafts viewing before and after images, displayed from the right.

Surgical hair transplantation result photographs

Hair transplant session using 1819 grafts displaying various images immediate postoperative.