Thai male results of hair transplant surgery with 3288 grafts

Procedure detail

This 25 year old Thai male had the goal of hair transplantation to restore his frontal receding. He had a receded hairline with thin hair throughout the front to the crown, Class IV Norwood.  We recommended he have a pharmecutical treatment along with the hair transplantation. The size of the procedure was 3,288 grafts with 6,129 hairs. He wanted to restore the temples. The result was 8 months after the surgery. The hairs grew well and he was responsive to the medicine for we saw a thicker look in the crown area which was not transplanted.

Bald class

Bald class 4

Norwood class 4

Characterized by further frontal hair loss and enlargement of vertex, but there is still a solid band of hair across the top (mid-scalp) separating front and vertex.

Front view  on Thai male

Before and after front view of hair transplant surgery results from 3,288 grafts and 6,129 hairs

Thai male hair restoration top view

Hair transplant using 3,288 grafts viewed from the top showing before and after views.

Thailand  results

performed in Thailand showing the left side profile and oblique view of before and after .

Thailand hair restoration procedure results

Right side profile and oblique views showing the results of on a 25 year old Thai male.

Back view of Thai male from hair replacement

Back / Crown view of Thai male before and after hair replacement procedure consisting of 6129 hairs.

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