Monistat is a famous anti-fungal cream used to treat yeast infections, but can it treat hair loss too? Click on the article to find out.

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Twenty years ago, getting a hair transplant was strictly hush-hush, but today things have changed. Why is that? Click on the article to find out.

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Electing to have a hair transplant can be stressful, so we've compiled a list of the top do's and don'ts for hair transplantation. Click on the article to learn more.

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Traveling abroad to undergo hair restoration has exploded in popularity in recent years, but when is it safe to go back home? Click on the article to find out.

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Restoration Robotics Inc was sued for misrepresenting information to stakeholders. Click on the article to learn more.

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The very words "shock loss" strike fear in to the hearts of hair transplant patients all over the world, but what can we do about it? Click on the article to find out.

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George Clooney is one of Hollywood's oldest leading men, but his hair doesn't look a day past 18. This many questioning whether Clooney had a hair transplant over the years. Click on the article and find out.

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Hair transplants are getting more popular by the day, but how do you ensure you get a good result? Click on the article to find out.

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Long hair transplantation is often called "celebrity" hair transplants, because it is easily concealed and impossible to detect. Click on the article to learn about this surgical procedure.

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Do you have a hair transplant scheduled, but want to keep it a secret? Click on the article to learn three easy ways to conceal your procedure.

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Why are more men turning to surgery to restore their locks? Click on the article to find out.

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The number one fear that every hair transplant patient has is losing a graft, but how can you determine whether you lost a graft? Click on the article to find out.

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FUE is known as a painless procedure, but many have suffered from sharp pain after surgery. Click on the article to learn more.

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Read this inspiring story of how one hair loss sufferer turned his hair loss around through surgical hair restoration.

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We have all heard old wives tales and myths concerning hair loss, but what are the biggest myths? Click on the article to find out.

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The dermaroller has been making waves in the hair loss industry in recent years, but is the dermastamp more effective? Click on the article to find out.

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We all know hair greed is a real thing, but how many hair transplants can the average person have? Click on the article to find out.

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We have all seen or heard about failed hair transplants, but how common are they and why do they happen? Click on the article to find out.

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There is a four word question that no one wants hear and they are "are you going bald". So how do you know if you're actually going bald? Click on the article to find out.

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Do you have diffused hair loss? Are you worried about suffering from permanent shock loss? Well click on the article to find out if you can have a hair transplant with diffused hair loss.

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Thinking of going to Turkey for a hair transplant? Click on the article to find who are the best surgeons in Turkey.

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Replicel (RCH-01) has made waves in the hair loss community, but is it really a hair loss cure? Click on the article to learn more.

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