WARNING Poinsettias Cause Hair Loss Dr. Farjo Explains Why

WARNING Poinsettias Cause Hair Loss Dr. Farjo Explains Why

By Melvin Lopez
Created Tuesday, February 8, 2022 - 09:19

Co-Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network

Image removed.Christmas is around the corner, in households and offices all around the world, the Poinsetta plant is the centerpiece. Nothing says the holidays like a bright red Poinsettia plant, it's right up there with holly, but there may be some undesirable side effects of the sap from the plant. In this article, we will be discussing whether this popular festive plant can cause hair loss.

How Can The Poinsetta Plant Cause Hair Loss

According to Dr. Bessam Farjo Coalition of Independent Physicians approved surgeon, the sap can remove hair, similar to Veet and Nair cream. These creams work by breaking down and dissolving the hair follicles. The chemicals found in these creams remove the hair shaft, causing the removal of hair in just seconds. 

Dr. Farjo from the Farjo Hair Institute had this to say: "Although the chances are only slight, it is vital to be aware that close contact with the Poinsettia could potentially encourage hair removal. 

People should always wash their hands if they've been in contact with one. The sap extracted from the plant has a depilatory effect. If the fluid were to make contact with the hair on any part of the body, including the scalp and is wiped away, it could potentially remove the hair with it-this is especially the case if the sap has been on the hair or part of the skin for a considerable amount of time."

Avoid The Sap From Poinsettias

Don't start throwing your Poinsettias away just yet, and the truth is that sap is easily visible. The fluid is milky, and if you see a torn leaf on a Poinsettia plant, avoid touching the plant without gloves. Keep the plant in a section of the house that is out of reach from children and pets, as they could easily chew on the plants or rip the leaves. 

Poinsettias Do Not Cause Permanent Hair Loss

It's important to understand that Poinsettias do not cause permanent hair loss like androgenic alopecia (genetic hair loss). There are reports on the internet spreading fear of this festive plant, but it's a safe plant, and even if the sap gets on the skin and hair, the hair will grow back.