The results from hair transplant surgery are a gradual process. When hairs start to grow, they poke through the skin as thin, fine, and colorless, not visible to the naked eye but can be felt with the fingertips. 6 months is really way too early to make...
You are definitely not the first person to bump your head only a few days after hair transplant surgery. But since you haven't seen any bleeding and all the grafts appear to be in tact, I am quite sure that you...
Many hair transplant patients have found benefit in taking MSM after hair restoration surgery as it is said to help hair (and nails) grow stronger and healthier. However, it is a misconception to think that...
Scabbing for the first few weeks to a month after hair transplant surgery is normal as scabbing is a sign of healing. However, if this scab has been lingering for 3 or 4 months, be sure to...
Hair Restoration Forum member "Rahal Experience" just had undergone hair transplant surgery with Dr. Rahal of Ontario, Canada. He has also created a hair loss blog in order to document his detailed experience and hair transplant photos with us
There are a number of herbal supplements out there that claim to work as a hair loss treatment. Whereas there is no question that marketing is over-reaching at best in order to sell a product, the real question for any hair loss sufferer is: will this product help combat hair loss or is there any chance that it will regrow hair? PABA is typically known as the hair color vitamin. This is a non-protein amino acid, sometimes referred to as Vitamin Bx (depsite the fact that it is not really a vitamin), that is widely available in nature...
Xandrox is a hair loss treatment marketed by Dr. Lee, a hair loss physician and is applied topically to the scalp. It’s “active” ingredients are a combination of minoxodil (same active ingredient in Rogaine) and Azelaic Acid. Does this treatment work to combat hair loss? Read more...
This past weekend Dr. David Seager passed away after fighting to survive cancer. Although I did not know him well personally, his reputation as a truly innovative hair transplant pioneer is well known within the hair restoration world.