Those of us today who benefit from large dense packed sessions owe a debt of gratitude to Dr. Seager for his ground breaking “one pass” surgical technique. Dr. Seager shared his innovations and techniques at conferences worldwide and in numerous publications. He also opened his clinic doors to many hair transplant surgeons who traveled from around the world to visit his clinic and observe his cutting edge “one pass” procedure. Today dozens of hair restoration physicians worldwide refer to their visit to Dr. Seager’s clinic in their professional profiles like it were an award. Those patients who go to these physicians benefit from the training that Dr. Seager openly and widely shared with these physicians. Dr. Seager and his staff were performing high density “one pass” sessions, many in excess of 3,000 grafts, by the mid to late 1990’s. Thus they were truly ahead of their time in pioneering what would become known within this community as “Ultra Refined Follicular Unit Hair Transplantation”. In October of 2001, Dr. Seager was honored with the Golden Follicle Award by the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) in recognition for his many clinical contributions to the field of hair transplantation. Dr. Seager’s "Signature" 3000 graft densely packed "One area - One session" all Follicular Unit Micrograft Hair Transplant procedure was a team effort in which the grafts were immediately placed into the incision after the tiny needle incision was made. This technique is referred to as “stick and place”. This technique enabled the staff to use smaller and less invasive needles for the incisions since it was easier to place a small graft into a small incision if it was fresh. Given that Dr. Seager’s staff is trained to create the incisions and place the grafts without Dr. Seager’s direct supervision, they continue to do so but now under the direction of Dr. Mark McKenzie. According to Dr. McKenzie’s profile “In 1994 he joined an experienced hair transplant surgeon and spent 2 years training and performing surgery on his own patients. During that time, he underwent hair transplantation for his own baldness. He has been in independent hair transplant practice since 1996 with offices in Toronto and London, Ontario & St. John's, Newfoundland.” Perhaps in time Dr. McKenzie and the Seager Hair Transplant Centre will again be recommended on this community once it is clear that the clinic under its new owner, Dr. McKenzie, will continue to live up to its cutting edge reputation. But for now Dr. Seager’s recommendation, shown below, will be retired like the numbered jersey of an all star player. We appreciate his long standing participation and support of this community as a recommended sponsor. Dr. Seager is no longer with us. But his legacy will live on in clinics worldwide and I hope and expect at his clinic in Toronto, Canada. Dr. Seager’s Profile and Recommendation on our community: Dr. Seager is one of the foremost specialists in the field of hair restoration surgery and is internationally renowned for his "one pass" densely packed Ultra Refined Follicular Unit Hair Transplant procedures that often exceed 3,000 grafts in one session. One such session produces a sufficient density and natural looking result that few patients request further grafts to increase density in the same area. Dr Seager and his staff are dedicated exclusively to hair replacement surgery. His extensive training, passion for perfection and renowned aesthetic skills, combined with the most advanced surgical techniques, enable him to consistently provide his patients with outstanding results. At the 9th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS), Dr. David Seager was awarded the 2001 Golden Follicle Award (for his " … outstanding and significant clinical contributions related to hair restoration surgery … "; especially mentioned was his "Signature 3000-graft all follicular unit micrograft megasessions" and his "One Pass Technique"). Since 1996, Dr. Seager and his staff have routinely performed megasessions of 3,000 to 3,500 follicular unit micrografts (i.e. up to estimated 6,900 and 8,050 hairs) transplanted in one session. Dr. Seager's staff uses Binocular Stereoscopic Dissecting Microscopes to dissect all donor hair into follicular unit micrografts, enabling them to harvest up to 25% more hair from the same sized donor area(than would be possible without the microscope). Established hair transplant surgeons from around the world (e.g. from Australia, Brazil, Canada, Europe, USA, Peru and Mexico), have chosen to travel to Toronto to have Dr. Seager perform their own personal hair transplant procedures. In a published, nationally syndicated U.S. newspaper article, Dr. David Seager was quoted as being on of only four physicians in North America recognized as "micro transplantation surgeons recommended by their peers". Dr. David Seager is a Diplomate of, and Board Examiner for The American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery. He is also Chairman of the ABHRS' Annual Review Course. He has been a regular faculty speaker of both the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery and the European Society of Hair Restoration Surgery. For over a decade, Dr. Seager has been a well-known and much sought after international lecturer to other doctors in Hair Restoration Surgery.
Dr. David Seager has passed away but his legacy remains

By Melvin Lopez
Created Tuesday, February 8, 2022 - 09:14Co-Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network