What Is The Success Rate of a Hair Transplant?

What Is The Success Rate of a Hair Transplant?

By Melvin Lopez
Created Tuesday, February 8, 2022 - 09:19

Co-Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network

Image removed.If you're considering a hair transplant, you have probably googled 'how successful are hair transplants,' you may have come across some bogus article telling you that hair transplants are fail-proof. We're to say that isn't true, not at all. The hair transplant industry has come a long way, but it is far from perfect. You still need to research and put in the time. In this article, we will tell you how to analyze a surgeon/clinic to ensure you set yourself up for success, and we'll provide our statistical data on the success of hair transplants today.

The Success Depends On The Research

I know this isn't what you want to hear, but it is what you NEED to hear. No one is going to research for you, the information is out there, but you're the one that needs to find it. The fact that you have stumbled across this article is good news. Lists are starting points for research. Do not pick a name out of a hat blindly. Do not be swayed by online ads, commercials, or because it's the first thing that comes up when you google hair transplant. 

Your Expectations Determine The Success

Technical components are essential, like choosing the right surgeon, making sure to stabilize your hair loss, but your expectations will make or break the success. Surgical hair restoration is not perfect. You will never be able to restore your hair loss, hair for hair. However, you don't need to replace every stray hair to have a successful hair transplant. 

The 50% rule determines that 50% of hair loss is required for hair loss to become visible to the human eye- this means you can restore 50% of your original density and have the appearance of a full head of hair in most situations. Before electing surgery, you have to accept the limitations associated with hair transplant surgery. Understanding and accepting the limitations will ensure that your expectations are realistic.

Hair Transplant Methods Can Be A Factor (FUE, FUT)

The success rate will also depend on the harvesting method. There are two methods for harvesting the donor supply. The first method is called Follicular Unit Strip Surgery (FUSS) or strip. The strip method involves a surgeon removing a strip of hair-bearing tissue from the back and sides of the scalp (donor area) and then having technicians dissect the strip into follicular units. The strip method is the oldest and has been around for over twenty years. On average, the strip method has yielded better.

The Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) method has been around since 2001 in modern-day form. Surgeons remove follicular units individually with a small punch in the FUE method. The FUE method is a lot more tedious, it involves more time, and because the grafts are thinner and have less fatty tissue, their survival rate can be lower than strip grafts.

However, it all depends on the surgeon you select. A competent FUE surgeon can have twice the survival rate of an incompetent strip surgeon. The surgical methods and techniques come down to the skill, talent, and experience of the hair transplant surgeon. There is no fail-proof method, so it comes down to surgeon selection. The strip method can be a more efficient way to remove the grafts from the donor, but if performed by a novice, the grafts will not grow. 

Don't Fall For Commercial Hype and Learn From Patients Before Choosing A Surgeon! 

Learn from other patients first and foremost, the best place to research a surgeon are on non-biased hair loss forums that allow patients to speak freely without fear of censorship. Not all forums are created equal. Please make sure the platform you visit will enable patients to share their genuine experience, whether it be good or bad. Hair loss forums that hide negative reviews in private sections are not transparent, and therefore cannot be trusted. 

The hair restoration network was one of the first hair loss forums ever created, it started as a hair loss blog made by our founder Patrick Hennessey, but it quickly morphed into a community. In the late 90s, the hair transplant industry was in a dark place, and a lot of charlatans were still ruining lives and making a good living doing it. Thankfully, the community exposed these frauds and exposed which surgeons did good work.

Today, you can find just about anything on the hair restoration network. The advanced search page is like google, without the ads. You can see good reviews, bad reviews, and everything in between. The hair restoration community has voted in over 45 surgeons, and the members and visitors on the forum regularly review the surgeons to ensure they're still up to par. You can review, research and consult with one of the recommended surgeons by clicking here


Remember lists are starting points for research, it's improtant to speak to past patients, and if possible see them in person. Remember to ask what the surgeons role is during surgery, what they would do if the result doesn't go as planned, and ask them for a long-term master plan. Hair transplant surgery is a marathon, not a race.