Three Signs You Are A BAD Hair Transplant Candidate

Three Signs You Are A BAD Hair Transplant Candidate

By Melvin Lopez
Created Tuesday, February 8, 2022 - 09:19

Co-Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network

Image removed.Hair transplant surgery has come a long way. The days of seeing unsightly hair plugs that looked like they came out of a doll factory are long gone, but not every person is a right hair transplant candidate. In this article, we will be going over three signs that you are not the right candidate for surgery. 

#1- You're Young and Balding Rapidly

It is genuinely heartbreaking to see a young man or woman dealing with hair loss. It can be devastating to their self-esteem and confidence. Unfortunately, if you are under the age of twenty-five, you are generally not a candidate for surgical hair restoration. The reason for this is because the stable or permanent donor zone can change rapidly. When you are young and balding quickly, the balding area will continue to grow larger, while the donor supply will gradually shrink. Suffice to say, transplanting on a patient like this is a recipe for disaster.

#2- You Want Surgery NOW!

While the desire to restore your hair quickly is understandable, it is not by any means advisable. Finding the right hair transplant surgeon takes a lot of time and research, and most importantly, patience. Rushing into surgery is one of the most common mistakes that hair loss sufferers make. Every surgeon will tell you they are the best, but if you don't take the time to research, you'll have no idea if you're making the right decision. Most of the time, patients end up getting fooled by deceptive marketing and gimmicks, instead of looking at real reviews. I cannot stress enough the importance of belonging to a legitimate hair transplant community and hair loss forum that consists of hair transplant patients who have had successful procedures. 

#3- You Have Unrealistic Expectations 

You can spend years researching the right surgeon, saving up money, and have a perfect donor supply, but if you don't have your expectations in check, you're not a candidate. One of the main reasons why patients aren't happy after surgery is because they did not have realistic expectations going into the procedure. So what is realistic? Well, matching your hair loss hair for hair is not possible. You will never have the head of hair that you had before you started balding. That is an undisputed fact. You should go into surgery wanting a visible improvement, and to have the ability to comb your hair in a certain way that would cover your scalp and make it appear fuller.


It is essential to learn from other patients before deciding to have a hair transplant. You need to see what real results look like when other patients with no incentive post them. The best place to find real hair transplant clinic reviews is the hair restoration network forum. The hair restoration network has been around for over fifteen years, with over 36,000 members and hundreds of thousands of posts. You can see good, bad, and even disastrous results on that forum. Learn the process of hair restoration and find out whether you will be the right candidate by registering for free on the hair restoration network.