I had hair transplant surgery four months ago and I am also a recipient of testosterone replacement therapy, because my body produces only a small amount of testosterone since I have aged. I have heard that taking testosterone causes men to lose their hair. Am I at risk of losing my newly transplanted hair follicles?
Male pattern baldness (MPB) occurs when the hormone DHT binds to the receptor cells of genetically vulnerable hair follicles. Increasing testosterone levels can exacerbate hair loss because testosterone is converted to DHT in the body. However, it would be highly unlikely for you to lose any of your transplanted
hairs because they are harvested from the “safe zone” where hair follicles
should be immune to the effects of androgenic alopecia (genetic balding).
The risk here is the progression of hair loss in areas of the scalp that were not treated surgically. Of course, this is true for all balding men and not only those
who are receiving testosterone replacement therapy. Your hair restoration
physician should have discussed with you the importance of medically stabilizing your hair loss. Visit our Online Hair Loss Products Shop where you can learn about and purchase proven medical hair loss treatments as well as credible, natural alternatives.
David (TakingThePlunge)
Editorial Assistant and Forum Co-Moderator
Testosterone Replacement Therapy Causing Hair Loss after Hair Transplant Surgery?

By Melvin Lopez
Created Tuesday, February 8, 2022 - 09:17Co-Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network