Dr. Arocha | 2700 Graft FUE | 9 month results

Dr. Arocha | 2700 Graft FUE | 9 month results

08/03/2023 - 19:40

This patient initially came to us not wanting a hair transplant despite the amount of hair loss that he was…

Dr. Kongkiat Laorwong, MD, FISHRS,  FUE 3150 grafts, 8 months post op

Dr. Kongkiat Laorwong, MD, FISHRS, FUE 3150 grafts, 8 months post op

08/01/2023 - 19:01

3150 grafts by FUE method. The result was 8 months following the procedure hairline 1150 grafts crown 2000 grafts…

Michael Vories, MD FUE 5000 Grafts

Michael Vories, MD FUE 5000 Grafts

08/01/2023 - 10:43

This patient came in for his one year post-op follow up after receiving 5000 FUE grafts over a two consecutive day…

Patient Video

Dr. Nakatsui, 2961 grafts to frontal scalp 8 years ago, one session

08/01/2023 - 05:42

Hi everyone, This is a patient who came in for a transplant about 8 years ago and his results have been great. He…

Dr. Robert Dorin ~ FUE 1518 grafts

Dr. Robert Dorin ~ FUE 1518 grafts

07/31/2023 - 16:17

Patient result post-op 14 months. 1518 grafts with focus mainly frontal hairline, small allocation to vertex. Intra-…

Dr. Damkerng Pathomvanich (DHT Clinic) /Hairline FUE 1,910 grafts, 6 months post op

Dr. Damkerng Pathomvanich (DHT Clinic) /Hairline FUE 1,910 grafts, 6 months post op

07/31/2023 - 08:04

Patient is a 40-year-old Asian male with receding hairline and deep temples and wants to have it restored with a round…

Dr B Farjo 2021g FUT

Dr B Farjo 2021g FUT

07/31/2023 - 07:34

This is an older patient who came to us three years ago to boost the frontal area.he did not request a dramatic change…

PANINE, MD | Chicago Hair Transplant Clinic | FUE Hair Transplant with 2,631 Grafts After One Year

PANINE, MD | Chicago Hair Transplant Clinic | FUE Hair Transplant with 2,631 Grafts After One Year

07/28/2023 - 16:30

This 32-year-old had a hair loss pattern similar to a class 3 on the Hamilton Norwood hair loss scale. After…

Ozlem Bicer MD-Hair Transplant-3870 Grafts FUE by micro-motor, 5. months result

Ozlem Bicer MD-Hair Transplant-3870 Grafts FUE by micro-motor, 5. months result

07/28/2023 - 15:19

Ozlem Bicer MD-Hair Transplant-3870 Grafts FUE by micro-motor, 5. months result Patient's age: 42 Single: 940 Double…

Dr Resul Yaman Hair Clinic - 4270 Grafts Result

Dr Resul Yaman Hair Clinic - 4270 Grafts Result

07/28/2023 - 14:46

Total : 4270 Single : 690 Double : 2430 Triple : 1150 The result after 11 months. For more information about our…

2711 Grafts (5237 Hairs) - FUE Hair Transplant - Dr. Rahal

2711 Grafts (5237 Hairs) - FUE Hair Transplant - Dr. Rahal

07/25/2023 - 15:41

This 31 year old patient received 2711 Grafts via FUE in August of 2021. His hair count breakdown and surgical details…

Dr Christina - Before and after 3520 FUE Grafts – 8 months after – HDC Hair Clinic

Dr Christina - Before and after 3520 FUE Grafts – 8 months after – HDC Hair Clinic

07/25/2023 - 06:03

This patient traveled from USA to Cyprus for his Hair Transplant with an intermediate stop for holiday in a Greek…