At the prime age of 15/16 I began noticing hair loss near the temples. Both my father and grandfather on my mother's side are bald, so from high school on I knew I was doomed. My hair loss didn't really accelerate until I reached about 21, then it seemed the follicles on the top of my head were thin and frail. At age 23 I (stupidly) had 500 graphs put in at the temples and front area. For a while it looked good, but as the years went on the hair around the graphs fell out.
My Surgical Treatments to Date
approx 500 graphs in 1998, I don't remember the name of the surgeon but it was in Maryland
approx 4200 graphs with Dr. Wong in 11/10
My Non Surgical Treatmentssome rogaine, proscar
Bald Class

Norwood stage 4A
In stage 4A, a person will not experience a bald spot on the back of their head, but they will instead lose the dips in their hairline and have a deeper “U” shape when viewed from above.
It really affects you self-esteem to see other guys with a full head of hair and then looking at yourself in the mirror and see a bald guy.
initially rogaine and proscar worked well, but I think I've plateaued.
not sure yet, I've only out of surgery 7 days
I don't know, pills and liquids slow it down but aren't really good for the long haul. It's kind of like terminal cancer, medications slow it down but never cure it.
It hasn't changed it yet but hopefully will
If you're starting to lose your hair and it bothers you be proactive about it, it's not going to get any better if you don't.