I began losing my hair in my twenties. I was sensitive about it. I could put on a face with coworkers when I got teased. But I couldn't when my Ex would tease me. By the time I was in my forties I was like a billiard ball. And I was single. I don't need to explain how I felt. I began trying hair growth remedies. I checked into hairpieces. But didn't like that. Nothing helped. Finally in 2004 I mustered enough courage to inquire about hair transplants. I did a lot of research and Hasson and Wong always came up like a shining light. So in August 2004, I took the plunge. Dr. Jerry Wong was the surgeon. And my life began changing. Six years later, my life is great. But I took a second plunge in May 11th, 2010. HT#2. Lets see what changes this will bring.
My Surgical Treatments to Date
August 2004: Hair transplant#1. I received 3882 grafts. Don't have an actual hair count. Dr. Wong created a front and top. (it was awesome).
May 11th 2010: Hair transplant#2. I recieved 1956 grafts. Again no hair count. Most went into restoring my crown. Extra went into adding density to my front and mid scalp. Today is May 27th 2010, and by now my residual hair is abiout 3/8" long. I can't wait for HT#2 hair to take off growing.
My Non Surgical TreatmentsI started Proscar July 2004 @ 1/4 miligram per day. By now I am on 1 miligram per day.
Bald Class

Norwood stage 6
The balding areas at the temples join with the balding area at the vertex. The band of hair across the top of the head is gone or sparse.
Continuously deteriorated my self esteem and motivations
Hair transplants. Nothing else (although Jerry seemed to think that the Proscar was benefitting my crown slightly.
I am ecstatic!!!
It changed my whole life. My self esteem began returning. I began gaining confidnce in myself. It rippled thorughout my social life as well as my work life.
IF it is just crown hair that you are losing, then I would suggest Proscar (or Propecia). But if you are thinning overall, hairtransplant is the only way to go.
AS stated above, my whole life began changing. I am now approaching retirement in an office where I like working and enjoy the people. And I am livingwith the partner of my dreams. How much better can it get?
You only live once. why go through life wishing you were something that you are not? Or let me put it this way: A hairtransplant costs about as much as a good motorcycle, or a cheaper car. Both the bike and car will wear out. Your hair will continue to grow and you will take the hair to grave with you.
Late post script: If you are going to get a haritransplant, massage your scalp lots. Not only will that enhance the recovary of your donor scar, your growth will come sooner and faster. I speak from experience.