I started losing my hair at around 22 or 23. This was a tremendous blow to my self esteem.
I tried shaving or buzzing my hair, but my head is pointy and unattractive, I also looked like I was 60 years old with that look. I began to receive jokes and comments from people, and worse of all, I went from being very outgoing and active with the ladies, to being insecure and scared to talk or even be seen by one.
When I was 24 I decided to do something about it and a hair transplant done. I first looked into Bosley, but they wanted $12,000, which was a lot of money to me at the time. I found a doctor was based out of Detroit who told me how great he was and that he would take the maximum amount of grafts out for $5,000. So I did it.
The procedure lasted only about 3 hours. Other doctors that have looked at me have told me that it only looks like he took about 1600 grafts out, definitely not the maximum.
A couple of moths later the hair started to grow, and after a year I realized what a horrible decision I had made. Most of the grafts had 4-6 hairs popping out, basically they were plugs, and the 1-2 hair grafts looked liked wires. It looked like how the hair comes out of the scalp of a dolls head. There was no density because he had spaced the grafts so far apart. I looked horrible, by far, worse off that I was before the procedure.
I suffered through this for several years until I became determined to have it fixed by having another procedure done by the best doctor I could find.
I live on the West Coast and Mid-West, so I searched for the best doctors I could find in those vast areas, mainly searching in the San Francisco Bay and Chicago areas. I traveled and met with about 12 doctors. All of them said I had a bad result and that they could fix it. But when I would look at their result pics I would carefully study them, and I could see wirey looking hairs coming from the front hair lines, I wanted to find a doctor who could produce soft, natural looking hair in the front. I knew by adding more it would look better because of greater density, and that a lot of doctors could do that for me, but I wanted to find the best doctor I could find that would give me a look that was natural and undetectable.
I found Dr. Konior on this site and saw how highly he was rated. I also studied his pics, he was the only doctor I had found that had results with soft, natural looking hairlines in 99% of the pics. I called to schedule a meeting, but was told I would had to wait 3-4 months for a meeting because he was so booked.
So after careful consideration, I decided even though I hadn't even met the guy, I would schedule the procedure with Dr. Konior based on the reviews from this site, and pics that had been posted compared to the other surgeons.
My Surgical Treatments to Date
I communicated with Dr. Konior via email as to my expectations, sent in a deposit, and scheduled the procedure for the first available time he had (which was 6 months away).
I had the procedure on July 29th, 2010 (It has been one week as I am writing this now). I stayed in a hotel nearby to his clinic. I was picked up and taken back to the hotel by a member of his staff.
Dr. Konior's clinic appeared very well equipped, nicely decorated, and professional; maybe the nicest clinic I had been to (I had visited around a dozen clinics in my search for the best doctor).
I arrived at 6:30 where we discussed the plan I had laid out with him via previous emails; to focus on a creating a great hairline, disguising/covering my bad grafts, using at least 3,000 grafts, or more if possible.
The procedure began at around 7:30 and was completed at 5:30. I was given several bathroom breaks, one I asked for and he was very accommodating, and I had a short lunch. With the drugs they gave me I fell asleep for most of the procedure and time went by quickly. There were some points in which i felt pain, but they immediately injected the site with pain killers.
They were able to get 3600 grafts out of me, and in all the procedure cost me $13,500.
I was given many prescription meds to help with the pain and the healing process. I can tell you that the first night back in my hotel I was in agony, mostly from the staples holding the incision. The pain killers did nothing to help it, but it became better as i applied the anti-bacterial ointment.
I went in the next morning and he said I looked great and didn't need a cleaning or any other treatment. He injected pain medicine for my drive home since I couldn't take the pain pills while driving.
I intend to put up pics every couple of months or so and give critical comments as to how it is going.
My Non Surgical TreatmentsI have used Rogain and Propecia for 4 years with minimal results
Bald Class

Norwood stage 5A
In stage 5A, the hairline continues to progress toward the back of the head.