Hair transplant patient




I've always had a high hairline which made me appear to have a large forehead. For the past 4 years, my hair has been slowly receding. It's receded about 1 inch in the hairline and about 2 inches in the temples. Thus, my already high hairline now looks even higher. So now I'm going to do something about it...

My Surgical Treatments to Date

HT #1 October 18th, 2010: 1,696 Grafts FUT

577 Singles. 949 Doubles. 170 Triples.

HT #2 August 10th, 2011: 1,305 Grafts FUT

534 Singles. 728 Doubles. 43 Triples. 

HT#3 September 14th, 2012: 565 FUE

Toal Grafts: 3,566

Approximate Surface Area Coverage: 50/cm2

Region Covered: Hairline, Temples, Temple Points.

My Non Surgical Treatments


Bald Class

Bald class 3

Norwood class 3

The earliest stage of male hair loss. It is characterized by a deepening temporal recession.

Due to my already high hairline, it's made my forehead look even bigger and disproportionate. Even though it's only receded an inch, it looks like much more... Thus, I appear to be balding as opposed to simply having a mature hairline.

FUT at True & Dorin.

I went from a clear Norwood 3 down to a Norwood 1 in less than two years. I now have the same hairline at age 30 that I had at age 20 and it looks great. It's given me a much more youthful appearance as well as a nice, solid frame to my face.

Yes, I'm very happy with my expereince so far. It's restored the hairline of my youth and improved my overall appearance. Also, it's give me many more styling options with my hair.

FUT by True and Dorin.

It just looks a lot better now. I no longer have a widow's peak. I can comb my hair back if I wish. It looks good when I get out of the shower or after swimming. On windy days or while riding my bike, I don't have to worry about a large segment of my forehead being exposed and revealing my hair loss.

It is essential to do a lot of research before taking the plunge. You must have realistic expectations, be aware of the risks, understand the anxiety caused by anticipation of your result and, most importantly, choose a quality physician. 

Research involves going to several in person consultations, meeting plenty of HT patients in person, speaking to them on the phone and asking lots questions.

The online forums are essential too, but do not fixate on any single site as they all have different theories and philosophies and membership bases. You will find certain docs heavily promoted on some sites while never mentioned on others. This is why it's important for you to build relationships and get to know actual patients which can be done via email.


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My Latest journal entries

Bald class: 3
Procedure 1

Pre Ht: Hairline Design My Goals:1. To create a definite, pronounced hairline that "frames” my face. Until now, I've always had a nebulous, ill-defined and indistinct hairline. I want it to be precise and delineated.2. To create pronounced temple points.3. To fill in the receded areas as densely as possible.4. To restore my hairline back to its original: 1.5 - 2cm lower.

Bald class: 3
Procedure 1

2 Month Update At two months, I'm not expecting much. However, it's interesting to note that my left side has had significantly less growth than my right side. In fact, my right side has about triple the amount of growth. A weird detail about my hairline is that my left temple side had receded much further than my right side. Also, I part my hair on the left, thus leaving it the most exposed. Needless to say, I have a lot riding on the left coming through. At this point, I'm not worried at all. However, I would be remiss to not acknowledge this unusual detail.

Bald class: 3
Procedure 1

1 Month Update Here I am exactly 31 days Post-Op.I went in for a one month follow up today. Dr. Dorin told me that I have minimal shock loss around the donor area. No visible shock loss in the recipient area. Dorin informed me that if I don't get shock loss in the recipient area within the next week, then I probably won't get it all.Notice that the redness in the recipient area has dissipated about 90% from immediately post-op. At worst, it looks like I have some acne on my hairline. However, I wear my hair forward so it's undetectable.All pain is gone. The only bother is some sensitivity in the donor are but that is only if I lay on it too long or if I hit it against something. All in all, I'm feeling good. I have a long wait ahead of me. I'm not expecting any results for another 7 months. I know some people get early results and some don't. So I'll just assume for now that I'll be a late bloomer. No need to drive myself crazy in anticipation.