This Vancouver area patient in his late 20’s started to notice hair loss in his mid-20’s. He was told about Hasson and Wong by a colleague and decided to set up an in-house consultation to learn more. At his initial visit it was determined his donor hair was above average with average texture and Dr. Hasson felt something in the 4,000-graft range via FUE would achieve the desired cosmetic impact. The area of mid-scalp and crown behind the proposed region to restore was in pretty good shape and finasteride was prescribed to improve/maintain the existing hair there.
Ultimately 4,511 grafts were harvested to restore his frontal zone and necessary areas of the mid-scalp. 2,501 grafts were transplanted on day 1 to address most of the frontal zone. 300 single hair grafts, 1933 doubles and 268 3-4 hair grafts were used. On day 2, 2010 grafts were transplanted behind the work on day 1 and into the necessary areas of the mid-scalp. 1677 doubles and 333 3-4 hair grafts were required. A .85 mm punch was used for extraction. These photos were taken a little over 3 years post-op.