Two Sessions of Hair Transplantation…

41-year-old white male with receding hairline and diffuse thinning hair from the front toward the crown. He want it to restore in stages. Hair is coarse, grey, wavy with good density and scalp laxity. His first session was done 9 years ago with FUT 3,658 grafts; the grafts were placed from the front toward the mid-scalp (1 hair: 384grafts, 2 hairs:2,818 grafts, 3 hairs:456 grafts). He was very happy and continued the second session 1.2 years ago. For the second session, a combination of FUT and FUE with 3,665 grafts was done with FUT 2,350 grafts and FUE 1,315 grafts (1 hair:720 grafts, 2hairs: 2,257 grafts, 3 hairs:663 grafts, 4hairs: 25 graft). The grafts were placed to fill the crown and to lower the hairline as he wished.

Attached are first session pre-operative photos and 1.2 years after second session photos. The patient was very satisfied with the results.