This US patient in his late 30’s had modest expectations and wanted to improve his hairline, frontal zone, and mid-scalp. He was initially less concerned with the crown. With his above average donor hair, Dr. Hasson was confident he could exceed expectations. 5,163 grafts via FUE were used to restore those areas of the hairline, frontal zone, and mid-scalp working back as far as possible. 300 of those were single hair grafts, 4055 were doubles, and 808 were 3-4 hair grafts. These photos were taken 16 months post-op just before his second procedure for the crown.
1 day post-op:
Very pleased with the outcome, he decided to return to restore the crown. In his second procedure, 150 grafts were singles, 3375 grafts were doubles, and 525 were 3-4 hair grafts for a total of 4050. The FUE method of extraction was again employed.
These photos of the crown are before the 2nd procedure and 1 day post op:
Look for more photos, updates and details on this case in the coming months on our website.