Dr. Damkerng Pathomvanich (DHT Clinic) / 3rd session using Combination of FUT and FUE beard grafts (3000 grafts), 1 year and 2 months post op


50-year-old white male with androgenetic alopecia, Norwood-Hamilton class VI. He had his first hair transplant 14 years ago about 4165 grafts via FUT(We don't have the
pre-op photos of the first session), placed from front to the top. He had a 2nd hair transplant 5 years ago at the front with 2320 grafts via FUT again.

Last year (2022), the patient visited the clinic for a 3rd hair transplant, this time for the crown. I did a combination of FUT and FUE from the beard, with a total of 3000 grafts for this 3rd transplant. From FUT, 1,883 grafts were harvested: 1-hair-graft: 414, 1 1/2 hair-grafts: 368, 2-hair-grafts: 775, 3-hair-grafts: 228, and miniaturized hairs: 98. From the beard, 1,117 grafts were harvested: 1-hair-grafts: 1,078, miniaturized hairs: 39.

**The pre-op photos attached are before his 2nd transplant and post-op photos were taken 1 year and 2 months after the 3rd transplant. Patient is happy with the results and has been taking oral minoxidil 5 mg tab once a day to maintain his hair and prevent further progression.