3223 Grafts (7395 Hairs) - FUE Hair Transplant - Dr. Rahal


This patient underwent an FUE hair transplant procedure with Dr. Rahal in March of 2021. He had a total of 3223 Grafts and 7395 hairs in zones 1-5 aka the frontal portion of his scalp. See his surgical details below.

&&& Zone 1,2,3,4,5 &&&

Recipient Area Size - 84cm2

1 Haired FUs - 401
2 Haired FUs - 1613
3 Haired FUs - 1068
4 Haired FUs - 141

Total Grafts - 3223
Total Hairs - 7395

Average Hairs Per Graft - 2.3
Recipient Graft Density - 38
Recipient Hair Density - 88

He was 24 years of age at the timne of his hair transplant procedure. He wasn't on any hair loss medication at the time but started finasteride in October, 2022 - more than a year after his procedure - in order to prevent further hair loss. Rogaine however, caused side effects so he decided not to use it.

His family history of hair loss affects his paternal side only and is as advanced as a Norwood class 6.

View his hair transplant results below and let us know what you think.



Best wishes,

Rahal Hair Transplant