Dr Devroye + Dr Montesanti + Dr Jenard / 2005 FUE Partial shave / Hairline & temple corners



✓ 51 years old, NW III, losing his hair since some years, with a hair loss history in his family (father and maternal grandfather).

✓ Started taking oral Minoxidil 4 months before the procedure.

✓ Normal caliber hair.

✓ Strong follicular units.

✓ Low % of hair in telogen phase.


This 51-year-old gentleman came to visit us to find a solution for his receding hairline and temple corners.

During the consultation, which took place 4 months before the surgery, he was advised to start taking oral Minoxidil to halt his hair loss and improve the overall hair quality.

We agreed upon performing a procedure of approximately 2000 grafts and, given the fairly low number of grafts needed, the FUE technique was recommended.

In April 2023, the patient received 2005 FUE grafts. The photos taken at the clinic 5 months post-op show an early regrowth and already remarkable improvements. During the next 7 months we expect the results to further improve, especially regarding the hair density and texture.

As usual, we'll not hesitate to update this case as soon as new photographic material will be available.


✓ 2005 grafts

✓ Technique : FUE

✓ Donor area : Scalp

✓ FUE scoring and extractions executed with my WAW system, now widely used in the sphere of FUE. It consists of a very precise pedal that enables to control the movement of the punch, that I also designed myself. The main advantage is to reduce substantially the number of damaged and transected hair, thus to raise the quality of the procedure. The system is now used worldwide and several dozens of surgeons or centres are already using it.

✓ Grafts Breakdown :
☞ 400 Single FUE grafts
☞ 571 Double FUE grafts
☞ 1001 Triple FUE grafts
☞ 33 Quadruple FUE grafts

✓ Total number of Hair : 4677

✓ Average Hair/Graft : 2,33

Dr. Jean Devroye – Dr. Barbara Montesanti – Dr. Samuël Jenard