3450 Grafts (7706 Hairs) - FUE Hair Transplant - Dr. Rahal


This patient underwent an FUE procedure with Dr. Rahal totaling 3450 grafts (7706 hairs) in a single procedure in July of 2022. He was 36 years of age at the time of his hair transplant. His surgical details and hair count breakdown is below for your reference.

Zones Treated - 1, 7, 8, 9, 10
Reference Zone #s in [], Hair Count in ()

1 haired FUs - 201 (201 [1])
2 haired FUs - 2345 - (800 [1], 1545 [7,8,9.10])
3 haired FUs - 801 (801 [7,8,9,10])
4 haired FUs - 103 (103 [7,8,9,10])
Total # Grafts - 3450
Total # Hairs - 7706

Hair Caliber 45 microns

Zone 1
Average Hair Density - 81
Average Graft Density - 45
Average Hairs per Graft - 1.8

Zone 7,8,9,10
Average Hair Density - 82
Average Graft Density - 34
Average Hairs per Graft - 2.4


The patient is very happy with his results. See the attached testimonial.

This patient doesn't take finasteride nor minoxidil however, he is considering taking finasteride when his hair transplant matures. He did take minoxidil in the past but stopped due to a bad reaction to the medication.

The patient's family history of hair loss is one-sided (father's side only) with 50% of the men advancing to a Norwood class 5A (advanced baldness).

Due to the patient's age, established hair loss pattern and calculated donor hair over a lifetime, Dr. Rahal felt it was appropriate to perform a larger, densely packed session with plenty of donor hair in reserve for subsequent work needed as necessary.

We look forward to your feedback,

Best wishes,

Rahal Hair Transplant