Dr. Damkerng Pathomvanich (DHT Clinic) / Combination of FUT and FUE 4,092 grafts, 11 months post op


Patient is a young 25-year-old Thai male, but he already has progressive and extensive hair loss from front to the crown which affected his social well-being. His hair loss has been stable for the past few years and he wants to have hair restoration surgery. His average donor density is 70 follicular units/cm2. He underwent combination of FUE and FUT with a total of 4,092 grafts (1,401 grafts from FUE and 2,691 grafts from FUT).

(1 hair graft = 1,285 grafts, 1 long and 1 short hair graft = 481 grafts, 2 hairs graft = 2,079 grafts, 3 hairs graft = 247 grafts; total number of hairs = 6,665 hairs)

Patient was advised to take oral hair loss medications to maintain his hair and to prevent further progression of hair loss. Patient is happy with the result 11 months post-op

Below are his pre op and 11 months post op photos.