The goal was to repair the failed hair transplant with plugs, scarring, and kinky hairs in a single session. (Usually it’s common that repairs are done over multiple surgeries) The challenge of this case was to:
Remove all the kinky hairs (which are caused do to trauma to the bulbs during implantation) Also including the hairs of the temples.
Remove all bad angled grafts.
Remove the cobblestoning from previous surgery.
Fill the same area again with good density on the same sitting. Which is made difficult due to the fact that we just made punchholes in the same area. Including the temple. (no stitching used)
Use as few grafts as possible
Leave no scarring in the transplanted area.
We have to keep in mind that a repaired result is like making a painting on a used canvas. It's never going to be the same as a first surgery on a new patient.
Pictures are taken 1 year post surgery. I combed it open in all possible ways to show the density.
Please take note of the quality of the pictures. In my opinion, every surgeon should post pictures of this high caliber so that the patient can clearly see what they are getting into. As a patient, do not settle until you have seen good quality pictures of the results.
A total of only 2050 grafts were used during a one day FUE surgery. The surgery started at 08.00 and finished at 15.15.
Patient was already using dutasteride for 3 years when the before pictures were made.
I am responsible for performing the entire surgery, which includes shaving, punching, extracting, making sites, and placing the grafts. My assistant helps me by sorting the grafts and providing support during the placement process.
In addition, all communication with my clinic is handled directly by me. I personally answer all emails. For aftercare, patients have direct contact with me through WhatsApp.
Zoomed in:
Close-up's + Comb through:
Kind regards,
Dr. Munib Ahmad.