Hair Transplants in Turkey- Do Your Research

Hair Transplants in Turkey- Do Your Research

By Melvin Lopez
Created Wednesday, July 31, 2024 - 20:55

Co-Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network


Turkey is a popular destination for hair transplants due to its competitive prices and numerous clinics. However, it's essential to exercise caution and thoroughly research clinics and surgeons before proceeding with any medical procedure abroad, especially because Turkey is the black market clinic capital of the world. That doesn't mean all clinics are bad or should be avoided; some excellent options exist in Turkey, but they're not the cheapest surgeons. 

Research the Clinic and Surgeon: Check the credentials of the clinic and the surgeon. Look for reviews and testimonials from previous patients on forums like the Hair Restoration Network, the largest online repository for genuine patient reviews. Verify their certifications and memberships in reputable medical organizations like the World FUE Institute (WFI), FUE Europe, and the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgeons (ISHRS). 

Experience: Choose a surgeon with extensive experience in hair transplants and who is involved in the surgery. Many clinics in Turkey do not have doctors overseeing the procedures; they employ young, inexperienced technicians to perform multiple surgeries daily to maximize profits. The results at these clinics range from mediocre to bad to disfigurement. So be careful and do your research!

Transparency: Be wary of clinics that promise unrealistically high success rates or offer prices that seem too good to be true. Transparent pricing and realistic expectations are key. Some clinics in Turkey guarantee their results. This is a HUGE red flag. No surgeon on earth could guarantee the procedure's success because of various factors, including patient physiology. Hair transplants sometimes don't grow for certain patients, despite the surgeon doing everything right. 

Medical Standards: Ensure the clinic adheres to high medical and hygiene standards. This includes proper sterilization of equipment and a clean environment. It also includes using state-of-the-art technology like microscopes and high-quality punches like the Mamba Trivellini system or the Devroye WAW system. 

How To Find Good Surgeons

The Hair Transplant Network platform features recommended hair transplant surgeons worldwide. These surgeons are often vetted based on their expertise, patient results, and adherence to high standards of care. For a specific list of highly recommended surgeons, you might consider checking forums or communities dedicated to hair restoration, such as the Hair Restoration Network, which often provides detailed reviews and personal experiences from patients. You can find quality, top-notch surgeons from anywhere in the world that are reasonably affordable. To see the full list, click here