Hair transplant surgery results to the frontal third with 2455 grafts and Propecia

Procedure detail

This 31 year old hair restoration patient with a Norwood Class 3 pattern of hair loss  was looking to augment hairline and add density to the frontal 1/3 of scalp.  We did a 2,455 grafts hair transplant showing the results are 11 months post-op. The patient had elected to go on Propecia post transplant.

Bald class

Bald class 3

Norwood class 3

The earliest stage of male hair loss. It is characterized by a deepening temporal recession.

 photos before and after results

2455 grafts viewed from the front showing before, immediate postoperative, and eleven months postoperative.

Hair restoration before and after photos

Hair restoration procedure using 2455 grafts on a Norwood Class 3 patient displayed from the top showing before, immediate postoperative, and eleven months postoperative.

 before and after images

pictures using 2455 grafts and the use of Propecia, shown from the left viewing preoperative, immediate postoperative, and eleven months after results.

Residual donor scar area from hair restoration procedure

Photos showing the patients donor area immediately postoperative from , and the healed result eleven months later.

Right and left oblique hair transplant views

Right and left oblique photo views of the patients hair transplant surgery results eleven months after the surgical procedure.