Eyebrow transplant on female patient before and 4 month after photos

Procedure detail

I have never posted an eyebrow transplant before so I thought I would submit one as this woman returned to my office the other day and she was about 4 months out from her transplant. Prior to the transplant, she had very fine eyebrows and was interested in thickening them.

I went through the risks of procedure, including the need for constant trimming of the hair and the increased coarseness of the transplanted hairs. I am always surprised at how many women are completely willing to undertake the constant maintenance this procedure entails. Not one complains about the maintenance--they are just so happy that their eyebrows are thicker.

In any case, she is about 4 months out and I would expect things to continue to improve. The blue markings in the pre-operative photos are just ink showing where we were going to insert the grafts.

Dr Nakatsui

Eyebrow transplant on female patient before and after photos

Eyebrow transplant surgery on female patient, shown from the front.

Eyebrow transplant surgery on female patient, shown from the

Eyebrow transplant surgery on female patient, shown from the left.