Hair transplant surgery before and after photos on a woman patient with 2111 grafts

Procedure detail

This is a 59-year-old hair restoration woman patient who had naturally deep frontal temporal angles. She consulted with us to fill in the area and to give a more feminine hairline. She desired to be able to wear her hair back; however, because of the lack of hair in the frontal temporal angles, she always wore her hair down to conceal the area.

In one session, 2,111 grafts were placed bilaterally into the frontal temporal angles. Photographs show the patient preoperative, six months after surgery, and one year later. In the six month photographs you can see all the transplanted hairs as they are shorter than the rest of the patient’s hair. When she was in for her one year visit, she said that the transplanted hairs are now long enough that she can tuck them behind her ears and she is happy that she can now pull her hair back and does not always have to wear her bangs forward. A video will follow that shows the one year result.

Graft Count

Single hair grafts: 521
Two hair grafts: 1,137
Three hair grafts: 440
Four hair grafts: 13
Total grafts: 2,111

Total Hairs Transplanted: 4,167

Before and after  photos

Hair transplant surgery with a woman patient who received 1112 grafts viewed from the front, showing before, immediate postoperative, six months postoperative, and one year postoperative photos.

 before and after view pictures

Hair restoration procedure with a female patient who received 1112 grafts viewed from the front / tilt down angle, displaying before, immediate postoperative,and one year postoperative photos.

Left view before and after hair restoration procedure

Hair replacement procedure with a female patient who received 1112 grafts viewed from right displaying before, immediate postoperative,and one year postoperative pictures.

Right view before and after hair transplant procedure

Hair transplant procedure with a woman patient who received 1112 grafts viewed from the right showing preoperative, immediate postoperative, six months postoperative, and one year postoperative images.