Hair transplant surgery before and after photos

Procedure detail

This 50 year old hair restoration patient is showing fully grown results after one hair transplant session utilizing 2526 grafts.  A total of 604 1's, 1491 2's, 417 3's, and 14 4's, for a total of 4893 hairs.

Bald class

Bald class 4

Norwood class 4

Characterized by further frontal hair loss and enlargement of vertex, but there is still a solid band of hair across the top (mid-scalp) separating front and vertex.

Hair restoration procedure results

Before hair transplant surgery.

Hair restoration procedure results

Before .

Hair restoration procedure results

Before .

Hair restoration procedure results

After hair transplant surgery.

Hair restoration procedure results

After hair transplant surgery.

Hair restoration procedure results

After hair transplant surgery.