Female eyebrow transplant before and after result photographs with 668 graphs

Procedure detail

This is a 57 year
old female patient who presented with a complaint of thin eyebrows that occurred
following a history of aggressive brow plucking over the course of many years.
The patient also had a history of having undergone a neurosurgical procedure
which resulted in a permanent left side brow paresis. She was unhappy with the
thin appearance and desired to restore a fuller look to her eyebrows. A total of
668 highly refined follicular unit grafts were used to enhance her brow density.
On the day of surgery the patient was asked to highlight her desired fill zone
with a surgical marker to assure that the shape of the brow would match her
expectations. Presented here are preop, day of surgery , one week postop and
seven month postop photos.

 Before and after eyebrow restoration surgery

Female eyebrow restoration surgery using 668 grafts shown from the front, viewing before, before with placement plan drawn, one week after, and seven months after photos.

Eyebrow transplantation surgery before and after

Eyebrow transplant surgery procedure with 668 grafts displayed from the front, showing before and after images.

Eyebrow hair restoration procedure before and after

Eyebrow restoration surgery using 668 grafts shown from a close-up front view, showing before and after photographs for hair caliber comparison.