Hair restoration surgery before and after result photographs with 3585 grafts

Procedure detail

This young patient, 29 years old of age ,
Norwood 5 in hair loss scale , with a strong family history of baldness came to
see us to get full coverage from front to back .
Such surgery will require about 5000 to 6000 grafts
.Because of the limitations of the usual donor area in FIT/FUE, we advised him
to do it in two parts .During the first surgery, we will focus on the frontal
zone and later on, in one year, we will address the back or

Because of his hair
loss stage and the family history, we recommended him to follow our medical
therapy protocol; it is a tritherapy based on combination of anti DHT (androgen
modulator) plus anagen stimulators.

In this specific case, we only proposed anagen stimulators (the
patient was concerned with the possible side effects of anti

1. LED therapy with
2. Help Hair
vitamins and proteins
3. Rogaine foam once a day

Medical therapy purposes are to slow down hair loss progression, to
improve hair quality characteristics (caliber and pigmentation) and in some
cases to regrow hairs.
In this
patient, we had a very good response and we postpone the next intervention in
the vertex for later .Being on therapy allows him to avoid a second surgery now.

Bald class

Bald class 5

Norwood stage 5

Occurs when the connecting bridge of hair disappears leaving a single large bald area on the front and top of the scalp. The hair on the sides of the scalp remains relatively high.

Hair restoration procedure before and after results

3585 grafts shown from the front, viewing before and after photos.

Hair transplantation surgery before and after photos

using 3585 grafts viewed from the top, displaying before and after images.

Hair transplantation surgery before and after images

with 3585 grafts shown from the right, viewing before and after photos.

Hair restoration procedure before and after pictures

Hair restoration surgery with 3585 grafts displayed from a left oblique angle, viewing preoperative and postoperative photographs.

Hair restoration surgery before and after photos

Hair restoration surgery with 3585 grafts displaying before pictures.

Hair restoration surgery before and after images

Hair restoration surgery with 3585 grafts viewing various immediate postoperative images.