Dr.Kongkiat Laorwong, FISHRS, Thailand, FUE 1537 grafts
09/21/2018 - 11:22Asian male with Norwood III, 1537 grafts were transplanted, 8 months result
Asian male with Norwood III, 1537 grafts were transplanted, 8 months result
French male, 51 year old with Norwood III vertex, FUE 2437 grafts, 1200 grafts over the crown and 1237 grafts for…
Australian male, 44 yo, had 1 session of 3000 grafts from other clinic with poor growth. We did 1786 grafts, 10 months…
Asian male 31 year old from USA, he has Norwood V and had one strip FUT from another clinic. He wanted more coverage…
FUE 2629 grafts, hairline 1629,crown 1000, 7 months following the procedure. Finasteride 1 mg is taking before surgery