Hair transplant surgery before and after results from 4573 grafts

Procedure detail

This hair restoration patient came to see Dr. Wong for density and coverage in the areas of loss at the front and the back in September, 2009. 4573 grafts were utilized to address these areas for the result hair transplant results that you see below. Note that this patient has extremely coarse hair that has aided in the unusually high amount of visible density.4573 GraftsSingles: 1036Doubles: 27443/4: 793

Bald class

Bald class 4

Norwood class 4

Characterized by further frontal hair loss and enlargement of vertex, but there is still a solid band of hair across the top (mid-scalp) separating front and vertex.

Pictures of  showing the front

Hair transplant using 4573 grafts showing before and after, viewed from the front.

Photos of  top view showing hair restoration results

Hair restoration using 4573 grafts viewed from the top, showing before and after results.

Left side view of  results

Right Left side photo view of before and after hair transplant results.

Left side view of  results

Left side photo view of before and after hair restoration results.

Back of patients head before and after hair transplant

Hair transplant using 4573 grafts showing preoperative and postoperative, viewed from the back.