Procedure detail
Seattle area patient in his late 30s with fine textured hair who had been wearing a hair system. The first 4482 graft FUT procedure accomplished the mission of rebuilding the hairline, frontal zone and mid scalp. 1232 grafts were single hair grafts, 2872 were doubles and 378 were 3-4 hair grafts. The second 2900 graft surgery concentrated on some of the mid scalp and mainly the crown. 709 grafts were singles, 2061 were doubles and 131 were 3-4 hair grafts. Shortly after these photos were taken, he had a 3rd procedure consisting of 2341 grafts to increase density in the crown with some hairline refinement. A total of 7382 grafts were needed to achieve the result seen here. We hope to be able to update again once the latest procedure is sufficiently grown in to reflect the additional 2341 grafts.
Bald class

Norwood stage 6
The balding areas at the temples join with the balding area at the vertex. The band of hair across the top of the head is gone or sparse.