Hair restoration surgery photos with 3459 grafts to hairline and crown

Procedure detail

This hair restoration patient came to see Dr. Wong 12 months ago for hairline reconstruction as well as thickening of the crown. One hair transplant session of 3459 grafts was performed. The patient has fine hair but there is an obvious curl to it that aids in the coverage. Regardless, the result is complete with good coverage and a stronger frame for his face. Singles...946Doubles...20603/4...453Total...3459 Grafts

Bald class

Bald class 4

Norwood class 4

Characterized by further frontal hair loss and enlargement of vertex, but there is still a solid band of hair across the top (mid-scalp) separating front and vertex.

 before and after photos

3459 grafts to hairline and crown, shown from the front, displaying before and after photos.

Top view photos before and after hair restoration

Hair replacement procedure utilizing 3459 grafts to hairline and crown, viewed from the top / tilt down view, showing before and after photos.

Hair restoration procedure results

Hair transplant procedure using 3459 grafts to hairline and crown, viewed from the left, showing preoperative and twelve month postoperative pictures.

Hair restoration procedure results

Hair restoration procedure using 3459 grafts to hairline and crown, viewed from the right, showing preoperative and twelve month after photos.

Hair restoration procedure results

Hair transplant procedure with 3459 grafts to hairline and crown, shown from the back, displaying before and twelve month postoperative images.