Hair transplant surgery before and after result images FUE FUT 3950 Grafts

Procedure detail

A combination of FUT and FUE performed on a 36 year old Caucasian male with:
- NW III anterior Class N
- Donor density of ~90-104 FU/cm2 in the occipital donor region and ~84-90 FU/cm2 in the temporal donor regions
- Hair diameter of ~84-96 microns
- A wide linear scar from a previous surgery (ex domo)

Treatment plan: 

- Scar revision in Follicular Unit Strip Technique to reduce the width of the existing linear scar (in my opinion, placing follicular units right into the scar was not an option due to the extreme width of the linear scar). A second minor FUE procedure to fill in the linear scar has been performed in September 2014
- Reconstruction of the hairline, temples and temporal peaks and add density to the central core

Performed procedure (November, 6th 2012):

Follicular Strip Transplantation with 1714 FU:

* 499 single hair FU
* 892 double hair FU
* 323 triple hair FU 

Follicular Unit Extraction with 2236 FU:

* 199 single hair FU
* 1637 double hair FU
* 400 triple hair FU 

Total number: 3950 FU

Double layer closing with PDS 4-0 absorbable sutures and disposable skin staples;
Extraction performed with a 0.85mm FUE punch with CIT Manual Punch Handle. No microscopic preparation of the follicular unit grafts; 
Parallel incisions (single, double and triple units) were made in custom-sized blades technique (~Cutting Edge blades of 0.75mm – 0.95mm).

Dr. B. Feriduni

Bald class

Bald class 3

Norwood class 3

The earliest stage of male hair loss. It is characterized by a deepening temporal recession.

Before and after hair transplantation result photographs

3950 grafts viewed from the front, showing before and postoperative pictures.

Top view before and after hair restoration results

using 3950 grafts viewed from the top, displaying preoperative and postoperative photos.

 before and after images

with 3950 grafts displayed from the left, viewing before and after pictures.

 before and after photos

Hair transplantation surgery with 3950 grafts viewing before and after images, displayed from the right.

 before and after photos

Hair transplant session using 3950 grafts displaying before and after photos, viewed from the back.

Hair transplant surgery before and after images

Hair transplant surgery using 3950 grafts displaying before and after photos, viewed from the back.