Hair transplant surgery before and after photos

Procedure detail

Follicular Unit Transplantation performed on a 33 year old Caucasian male with:- NW Class V-Va- Donor density of 92 FU/cm??- Hair diameter of ~75 micronsTreatment plan:- 1st FUE procedure with 3000 FU to reconstruct the hair line and mid head area- 2nd FUE procedure with 3000 FU to restore the crown area and increase the overall densityPerformed procedure (May 3rd, 2009):A Follicular Unit Extraction with 3029 FU in a single day session, '3 step procedure', i.e. an intermittent follicular unit extraction (iFUE), with:* 831 single hair FU* 1562 double hair FU* 636 triple hair FU Extraction performed with a 0.9mm FUE punch with Versi handle?„?. No microscopic preparation of the follicular unit grafts;Parallel incisions (single and double units) were made in custom-sized blades technique (~Cutting Edge blades of 0.7mm ??“ 0.9mm);Dense packing technique with a density of 50 FU/cm?? in hair line and feather zone (single units), a density of 40 FU/cm?? in density zone (double units) .This patient is definitely an exceptional case as he has an extremely high donor density/yield. In general this procedure would also be performed in a 2 successive days session.His second FUE procedure is planned in the month of April 2010.Dr. B. Feriduni

Bald class

Bald class 6

Norwood stage 6

The balding areas at the temples join with the balding area at the vertex. The band of hair across the top of the head is gone or sparse.

Hair restoration procedure results

Hair restoration procedure results

Hair restoration procedure results

Hair restoration procedure results

Hair restoration procedure results

Hair restoration procedure results

Hair restoration procedure results

Hair restoration procedure results

Hair restoration procedure results

Hair restoration procedure results

Hair restoration procedure results

Two weeks after hair transplant surgery.

Hair restoration procedure results

Two weeks after hair transplant surgery.

Hair restoration procedure results

Two weeks after hair transplant surgery.

Hair restoration procedure results

Four months after hair transplant surgery.

Hair restoration procedure results

Four months after hair transplant surgery

Hair restoration procedure results

Four months after hair transplant surgery

Hair restoration procedure results

Four months after hair transplant surgery

Hair restoration procedure results

Four months after hair transplant surgery

Hair restoration procedure results

10 months after hair transplant surgery.

Hair restoration procedure results

10 months after hair transplant surgery.

Hair restoration procedure results

10 months after hair transplant surgery.

Hair restoration procedure results

10 months after hair transplant surgery.

Hair restoration procedure results

10 months after hair transplant surgery.