Hair transplant procedure before and after result images with 1554 grafts to the crown

Procedure detail

This patient is in his mid 40's and was concerned with his sparse crown and continual hair loss. He elected to use Propecia to start, and combined this with hair surgery to the back only. The harvesting was done using both manual tools as well as the ARTAS FUE Robot. 1554 follicular unit grafts (approx 3500 hairs) were transplanted.

Here we see the outcome at eight months post surgery. The patient is pleased with the result so far. Note how Propecia seems to have helped the lower crown where no new hair was added.

Bald class

Bald class 3V

Norwood stage 3 Vertex

In terms of the receding hairline, stage 3 vertex balding is a less drastic version of stage 3.
However, people experiencing stage 3 vertex balding will also begin losing hair on the crown of their head. This often starts as one small bald spot.

Before and after hair transplantation result photographs

1554 grafts viewed from the crown, showing preoperative and after pictures.

Hair transplantation surgery before and after photos

using 1554 grafts viewed from the back, showing preoperative and postoperative pictures.

Hair transplantation surgery before and after pictures

using 1554 grafts viewing an immediate postoperative view focusing on the FUE donor supply

Hair transplantation surgery before and after images

using 1554 grafts viewed from a close-up crown view, showing before, immediate postoperative, and postoperative pictures.