Which Prescription Drugs May Cause Hair Loss?
07/27/2021 - 08:34his is an important question as there are many drugs that can cause hair loss in the different stages of the hair cycle…
his is an important question as there are many drugs that can cause hair loss in the different stages of the hair cycle…
There are several devices to measure follicular unit density. Basically it is a magnification lens with a 1cm2…
The bleeding was only an issue during hair restoration surgery. Your procedure was completed in a reasonable time but…
This patient came in for a follow-up visit four years after a 3000 graft FUT procedure. He's very happy with the…
When this patient came to see Dr. Arocha, he had undergone a previous transplant with a different hair restoration…
This patient came to Dr. Arocha because he wanted to correct the thinning that he was experiencing in the front third.…
This patient came to Dr. Arocha for a 2000 graft FUT hair transplant to address the diffuse thinning he started to…
This patient came to Dr. Arocha to restore his hairline. Doc and team did a 2700 graft FUT procedure. "After" images…
Hi all! I wanted to share this result. This patient came in just over a year and a half ago. His hair is thin by nature…
This patient came to see Dr. Arocha four years ago. He was worried about his advanced receding of the frontal third…
Forum member "rpachigo" came to Dr. Arocha to repair poor work done years earlier by an unskilled doctor. He…
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